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Supporting Destination Management

Capture the right data and put it to work.
The ongoing success of a travel destination hinges on its ability to meet visitor expectations. Let us assist with a data-driven approach to help ensure positive outcomes.
Continuous Improvement
RoomBoss helps destinations to implement a process of continuous measurement and improvement.
1. Measure

2. Report

3. Plan

4. Act


Visitor feedback is key in determining how a destination is performing. It also importantly provides a way to identify changes a destination can implement to better satisfy its visitors.

RoomBoss offers a mobile-friendly, multilingual survey specifically designed for destination management. We measure satisfaction and receive visitor thoughts on ways the destination can improve. A concise survey that maximises visitor uptake yet provides the right information for subsequent analysis.

Visitors are engaged to take the survey via a variety of means such as in-resort posters with QR codes and email campaigns. We can assist in the preparation of material and engagement of visitors.


RoomBoss performs analysis of the survey data. For each key tourism season, such as winter and summer, we report to the destination.

Reports include details of visitor demographics, levels of satisfaction, and areas which visitors feel improvements can be made.
We also report changes over time. For example how satisfaction changed this year compared to last year, or whether an area of service delivery is still an issue for visitors.

As well as seasonal reports, visitor feedback in its raw form is accessible anytime.


Our reports make clear which areas of service delivery, if any, are in need of attention:

For resorts that are owned and managed by a single organisation, internal discussion on a plan of action would ensue.

In cases where the destination is comprised by a number of independently operated businesses, collaboration and consensus may be required. Lengthy discussion among stakeholders without progress is a danger.

Our approach can help progress through this phase:

  1. Simple to comprehend. It's easy to convey the issue to stakeholders. For example: "20% of complaints relate to overcrowded buses".
  2. Easy to convey importance. Issues reported by a significant number of visitors are clearly worth remedying.
  3. Focus discussion. Stakeholders are tasked to agree on destination improvements to work on. A visitor-centric data-driven selection method helps eliminate ongoing debate that is often based on sentiment rather than fact.

RoomBoss can provide a recommended set of steps toward forming a plan of action.


The destination enacts the plan. In order to understand the effect of enacting the plan, we repeat steps.


Measure and Report to determine the level of success of activities undertaken. Then again Plan, including adjusting or ending previous phase activities that do not achieve goals.

Create an environment of continuous improvement where decisions are based on empirical data. Make the best possible use of resources and opportunity to exceed the expectations of your visitors.

Case Study: Niseko
In 2010, RoomBoss commenced a winter Niseko visitor survey with goals of measuring satisfaction and identifying areas where visitors felt improvements could be made.
With the support of local service providers and organisations such as the Niseko Promotion Board, feedback from thousands of visitors has been received.
Each Spring RoomBoss provides local stakeholders with a report conveying results for the most recent winter, and how it compares to previous winters. We believe a valuable resource in the context of changing visitor demographics coupled with ongoing resort and property development.
Contact us today to discuss how we can assist implementing a program for your destination.