

10 Jun: Welcoming Client Success Specialist, Shun!

We’re excited to extend a big RoomBoss welcome to Shun, the latest member of our growing Client Success squad. Prior to joining the RoomBoss team, Shun leveraged his business and communications skills at Amazon Web Services Japan, playing a role at the world’s leading cloud service provider. During his free time, Shun has honed his communication and creative problem-solving skills to perfection as a veteran Dungeon Master, and can often be found crafting new questlines for his three-year long ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign. His creativity and adaptability go beyond the dice rolls, allowing him to provide seamless insight and front-line support—no matter what our users encounter. With such a diverse background and unique approach to looking at problems, we can’t wait to see what else you’ll bring to the table—welcome to the team, Shun!


08 Oct: Introducing Backend Developer, Abid

We’re excited to welcome back Abid, Senior Developer from Kashmir, India! A seasoned developer with a plethora of industry experience, Abid possesses an extensive understanding of both Java and the inner-workings of RoomBoss, following his time helping to build and architect our systems as a former team member. Following his tenure with the RB team, Abid worked for a prominent multinational, playing a role in developing widely-used fintech infrastructure and further demonstrating his expertise in advancing technology solutions. This expertise, alongside his peerless work-ethic, zen-like focus, and effortlessly friendly disposition make his recent return especially welcome. While calm and collected in the workplace, Abid likes to channel his excess energy through Rocky-like gym montages and extreme snowboarding sessions. When he’s not shredding the mountain, he can often be found tearing up the tarmac on his favourite motorbike, and relishing everything the outdoors has to offer. The whole team feels extremely…


05 Sep: Welcoming Backend Developer, Lyna

Born and raised in the captivating city of Paris, Lyna enters the fold as a highly-skilled (and highly sought-after) Java developer. With over 20 years of development experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge to our dynamic team, effortlessly navigating complex concepts and crafting beautiful code with ease. Beyond her programming prowess, Lyna is a self-proclaimed nerd who showcases her passion for all things anime and manga through an extensive (and extremely impressive) figurine collection. Lyna is also an avid traveller who loves to expand her horizons and visit new places, constantly looking forward to her next big journey. Lyna’s analytical nature, abundant experience and diligence are matched only by her warm personality and sense of humour, making her a joy to work with and an invaluable addition to our growing team. We’re thrilled to have you onboard, Lyna!


07 Aug: Introducing Backend Developer, Angelica

We’re thrilled to welcome Angelica as the newest member of our growing team! Hailing from the toasty climes of the Philippines, Angelica brings her top-notch technical prowess as a Java Developer, helping us to deliver exciting software solutions with precision and passion. When she’s not composing code and orchestrating integrations from behind her keyboard, Angelica is also an avid musician (and spirited Swiftie!) who can be found connecting with captivated audiences with her incredible singing voice. A bundle of warmth and energy who seriously knows her stuff, Angelica’s talents are sure to play a key role in our continued success. We’re proud to have you on the team, Angelica!


07 Aug: Introducing Development & Support Officer, James

We’d like to give a huge RoomBoss welcome to James; a hybrid support & development specialist with a unique blend of skills and a peerless “can-do” attitude! Originally from Scotland, James not only boasts an extensive knowledge of the area, but also a deep understanding of the industry landscape after years of local experience. In the office, James’ skillset adds a dynamic element to our team, seamlessly transitioning between providing exceptional support & assistance to clients and users, whilst contributing to our systems and services through technical enhancements. On the slopes, James is a fierce snowboarder who is often found seeking out the deepest powder and greatest turns on the mountain. Having already seen the positive impact that his skillset, work ethic, and passion for snowsports has brought to our growing team, we look forward to conquering both challenges and the powder-covered peaks together. Welcome aboard, James!


14 Jun: Welcoming Our New Support Lead, Ali

While being an avid outdoor enthusiast and a passionate photographer who captures the beauty of the world through his lens, Ali also cherishes all the time he can with his baby son. Since he joined RoomBoss last month, we’ve been thrilled to have such a multi-talented and caring individual on the team. Ali brings a logical-mind and caring nature, helping us to provide top-notch support to each and every one of our users. Welcome aboard, Ali!


17 Apr: Introducing Client Success Specialist, Kanae!

We are thrilled to welcome Kanae to our team as a Client Success specialist. Her passion for skiing, coupled with her extensive experience in ski school reservations, makes her an ideal fit for our group, especially as a Snowsports School Management System expert. Beyond her professional skills, Kanae brings a vibrant personality to the office. Her love for music and travel make her a well-rounded team member. Kanae’s boundless energy, innate curiosity, and open-minded approach have already begun to illuminate our workplace. Kanae, we are incredibly delighted to have you on the team. Welcome aboard!


14 Feb: Welcoming Our Newest Frontend Engineer, Jack

With an artistic eye and a passion for creating captivating user experiences, Jack is all set to take our systems to the next level with visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces. From turning lines of code into frontend masterpieces, to his passion for snowsports, to his rhythm (he has an incredible singing voice!), this multi-talented individual has become a true gem in our team. Welcome to RoomBoss, Jack!


26 Aug: Welcoming New Project Manager, Alix

We’re excited to have Alix Fachin joining the team this month. Alix brings a wealth of knowledge across IT, travel and finance sectors with experience spanning Japan, North America and Europe. He is a runner of marathons and savors fine pastries. Alix will help us with operations, project management and development. Welcome Alix!