
Keep up-to-date with the latest system releases, RoomBoss news & team updates.

Added GA4 Analytics / Conversion Tracking Support

Added GA4 Analytics / Conversion Tracking Support

RoomBoss now supports the newest version of industry-leading web-analytics and tracking service, Google Analytics.

Much like our existing integrations with Google Tag Manager, Adwords, Facebook Meta Pixel, and legacy Google Analytics, request and reservation conversions made on RoomBoss Accommodation and Services Booking Engines can now be measured within Google Analytics 4, alongside a wide array of best-in-class tracking, user-insight, and reporting tools.

System Updates

System Updates

[ECS] Added URL Parameter for Vendor Filters

Recently introduced Vendor Filters can now be pre-selected using the vendorCategory parameter.

Simply append the parameter and category to your multi-vendor ECS booking engine URL and the filter will be automatically applied upon page load—showing only applicable services of that type.

[ECS] New Dynamic Styling Options on Services Booking Engine

A flexible tool for those using custom CSS, these classes can be leveraged to apply visual changes to headers, categories, services and more when specific vendors have been selected.

Introducing Backend Developer, Abid

Introducing Backend Developer, Abid

We’re excited to welcome back Abid, Senior Developer from Kashmir, India!

A seasoned developer with a plethora of industry experience, Abid possesses an extensive understanding of both Java and the inner-workings of RoomBoss, following his time helping to build and architect our systems as a former team member.

Following his tenure with the RB team, Abid worked for a prominent multinational, playing a role in developing widely-used fintech infrastructure and further demonstrating his expertise in advancing technology solutions.
This expertise, alongside his peerless work-ethic, zen-like focus, and effortlessly friendly disposition make his recent return especially welcome.

While calm and collected in the workplace, Abid likes to channel his excess energy through Rocky-like gym montages and extreme snowboarding sessions. When he’s not shredding the mountain, he can often be found tearing up the tarmac on his favourite motorbike, and relishing everything the outdoors has to offer.

The whole team feels extremely lucky to have Abid back, and his return is a testament to the unique professional environment we foster. As both our team and ambitions continue to grow, we look forward to embarking on this journey together!

System Updates

System Updates

[PMS] Housekeeping Only Logins

Grant in-house and third-party operators secure access to housekeeping pages with newly added Housekeeping Only logins.

To create a new housekeeping-limited user, simply enter the desired login details on the Users page, select the Housekeeping Only Access role, and click Save.

[PMS] Printable Housekeeping Report PDF

A new PDF download option has been added to the Housekeeping Report page.

To generate a printable A4 Housekeeping Task PDF, simply navigate to the Housekeeping Report, Show tasks after choosing your desired criteria, and select Download PDF.

[ECS] Added Vendor Type Filters

[ECS] Added Vendor Type Filters

New Vendor Type filters have been added to ECS booking engines, making it quicker and easier for prospective customers to find what they need when presented with products from a wide range of providers.

Available when using the multi-vendor view, customers can now limit displayed vendors to a certain type, with filterable options including Activities, Lift Tickets, Rentals, Ski Schools and Guiding, Transportation and Tours, and more.

[PMS] Extended Occupancy Reporting

[PMS] Extended Occupancy Reporting

New report visualisations displaying Monthly and Daily Occupancy by Property have been added to the Occupancy Report to further inform your sales strategies and daily operations.

To explore the new UI, simply navigate to the Occupancy Report page and select a start month and reporting period of up to one year.

Welcoming Backend Developer, Lyna

Welcoming Backend Developer, Lyna

Born and raised in the captivating city of Paris, Lyna enters the fold as a highly-skilled (and highly sought-after) Java developer.

With over 20 years of development experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge to our dynamic team, effortlessly navigating complex concepts and crafting beautiful code with ease.

Beyond her programming prowess, Lyna is a self-proclaimed nerd who showcases her passion for all things anime and manga through an extensive (and extremely impressive) figurine collection. Lyna is also an avid traveller who loves to expand her horizons and visit new places, constantly looking forward to her next big journey.

Lyna’s analytical nature, abundant experience and diligence are matched only by her warm personality and sense of humour, making her a joy to work with and an invaluable addition to our growing team.

We’re thrilled to have you onboard, Lyna!

Flywire shared the case study of AYA Niseko, our PMS + TRUST user

Flywire shared the case study of AYA Niseko, our PMS + TRUST user

Flywire, an online payment system popular among the RoomBoss users, shared a case study with AYA Niseko. Aya Niseko is a luxury ski-in ski-out hotel located at the heart of Hirafu area in Niseko, and the 90% of its guests during the winter seasons are from overseas. Payments from international guests can often result in high fees for both the resort and the guests.

Flywire was a perfect solution for AYA Niseko which was looking for a payment option that would reduce transaction costs while providing a simple and secure payment experience for their guests. RoomBoss is also mentioned in the article as AYA Niseko’s PMS and online booking engine provider in the article. Please visit Flywire case study HERE to learn more.

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